Bioenvironmental Engineering
Bioenvironmental Engineering involves utilization of physical, chemical and biological sciences to prevent and solve environmental issues. Environmental hazards can be of many forms, including microbial threats, toxic waste and the indirect impact of human activities. Physical and chemical approaches to combat environmental pollution have long been used with certain limitations. Introducing biological perspective along with the existing approaches can improve the efficiency of pollution control and reduce the unexpected byproducts making it 'greener'. As Bangladesh is growing rapidly in manufacturing, processing, and health sectors, handling solid and liquid industrial waste, as well as medical waste has become a major concern. Biological approaches towards environmental problems can be more innovative with multi-disciplinary perspective by utilizing better technologies available.
Biological and Medical Image Analysis
Imaging with high performance microscopes and medical equipments has become an essential part of diagnostic technology and molecular biology research. Live-cell microscopy, such as, confocal, epifluorescence, total internal reflection fluorescence in conjunction with fluorescence biosensors are widely used to elucidate the biological interaction at intra-cellular level. All the major medical diagnostic techniques also involve imaging of human body (sometimes more specific part of the body) for clinical purposes. However, these images are useful only if those are analyzed properly. Utilizing different software, as well as custom MATLAB (or similar technical computing language) codes for image analysis offer more efficiency and flexibility in extracting information out of those raw images leading to easier diagnosis, treatment and monitoring.
Biophysical Journal, 98: 67-75

Quantitative Biology and Biotechnology
Conventional, qualitative approaches provide powerful ways to characterize the architecture and function of interacting biological species. However, at the whole-cell level, they do not fully depict the interactions between signaling and metabolic pathways,and they fail togive a manageable overview of the inherent complexity. Quantitative biochemical, as well as live-cell microscopy approaches can overcome these shortcomings and off er more accurate detection at molecular level. Moreover, computational analysis provides a complementary tool to analyze signaling networks and predict the effects of molecular interventions.
Biochemical and Bioprocess Engineering
Biochemical and Bioprocess engineering can be defined as the application of multi-disciplinary principles to the development and operation of bio-specific industrial processes. It is a combination of advanced biotechnology and classical chemical engineering. Fermentation technology to produce valuable bio-products by utilizing biomass is one of the prominent examples of biochemical engineering.
Producing proteins or other biological substances for human or animal therapeutic use, food production or processing, biofuels, and effluent treatment are only few applications of biochemical engineering. Biochemical and Bioprocess engineering techniques can be applied for the optimization of operational conditions so that yield and productivity maximization of the fermentation process can be achieved. Overall, this area of research involves optimization of biochemical reactions, more applied investigations of bioreactors, biomaterials, biosensors and methods for purifying biological macromolecules.